Student Support Services


Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded TRiO program under the Department of Education. The goal of this program is to increase the retention and graduation rates of participants and help students make the transition from one level of education to the next. Student Support Services is designed for students whose socioeconomic backgrounds, educational experiences, and personal situations suggest they may experience challenges at the postsecondary level that can be alleviated with the assistance of our services. Opportunities available to Student Support Services program participants include: academic tutoring, career planning and exploration, financial planning & FAFSA assistance, peer mentoring, counseling, transfer advising, social activities, and more. All of our services are free! To be eligible for our services a student must be first generation, low income, and/or have a disability.

Fillable Form for Student Support Services. Please send to once complete.

Here is an online application:

Click here to view the Student Support Services Monthly Newsletter.

Meet our staff by clicking here.

If you are not in the Student Support Services (SSS) program, here is the link to the institution tutoring website.


SSS - Summer Tutoring




Sophia Mayhugh

Zoom Tutoring


June 7-July 28

Monday: 8pm-10pm
Wednesday: 8pm-10pm 



All Subjects

Links have been sent to student email. Should you need an additional link, please contact




Student Support Services Academic Tutoring can only be utilized by members of the SSS program.

For more information contact


SSS Information

Student Support Services
Irvin Hall 2nd Floor

Office Hours: 8am - 5pm



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