Care Team

What is the Care Team?

The Care Team is Highland Community College's Behavioral Intervention Team. CARE stands for Campus Assessment Recommendation and Evaluation Team. 

What is the Mission of the Care Team?


The CARE Team is dedicated to a proactive, coordinated and planned approach to the identification, prevention, assessment, management, and the reduction of interpersonal and behavioral threats to the safety and wellbeing of Highland Community College students, faculty, staff and visitors.


·      Provide a safe physical environment for members of the college community,

·      Provide a safe emotional environment for the college community, and

·      Promote peace of mind for friends and family of the college community.


            Highland Community College has established the CARE Team to assist in addressing situations where students, faculty, or staff are displaying behaviors that are disruptive, threatening, or concerning in nature that potentially impede their own or others’ ability to function successfully or safely. These policies and procedures are designed to help identify persons whose behavior potentially endanger their own or others’ health and safety or is disruptive to the educational or administrative processes of the college.

It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to immediately report any situations that could possibly result in harm to anyone at the college. Any member of the campus community may become aware of a troubling person or situation that is causing serious anxiety, stress, or fear. However, behavioral assessment should not be confused with crisis management. A crisis may be defined where a person may pose an active or immediate risk of violence to self or others. In these cases, campus security (785-741-2206) or the Highland police should be contacted at 911.

Report an incident:

HCC General Incident Report

Used to report Concerns, Policy Violations or General Misconduct that is not sexual in nature

HCC Discrimination, Harassment, or Gender-Based Misconduct Form

Used to report cases of sexual harassment, discrimination, or anything related to gender based misconduct.


Who refers students to the Care Team?

The CARE Team will meet regularly and on an emergency basis to review referrals brought forward by faculty, staff, and students concerning disruptive, inappropriate, and/or threatening behavior. For the safety of the campus community any threat, explicit or implied, will be considered a statement of intent.

How can referrals be made?

Contact any member of the Care Team or complete an online Incident Report form.  Information will not be disclosed to anyone who does not have a need to know.

Care Team Members

Vanessa Chavez

Matt McElroy
Biology Instructor

Bryan Dorrel
Athletic Director


Eric Ingmire
Vice President for Student Services

Lisa Parsons
SSS Director

Lexy Clark
Director of Advising

Josh Clary
Director of Student Life



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