COVID-19 Relief Fund

Federal government funding has been allocated to assist students with covering expenses related to the disruption of campus operations and services available due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Relief Fund – NOW OPEN (HEERF II)

If you purchased additional tech equipment or supplies to continue spring semester classes online or had unexpected expenses, grants from the COVID-19 Relief Fund may put money back in your wallet. Don’t wait – funds are limited.

To qualify, you must have been enrolled in at least one Spring 2021 class at HCC. 

You must show need based upon 2020 or 2021 FAFSA or have been impacted by COVID-19. Some Impact areas include:

  • Additional Class Costs for testing or tutoring

  • Books & Supplies Costs

  • Childcare Costs

  • Food Scarcity or Food Cost related to COVID-19 

  • Technology Costs includes computers, equipment, software, internet service, etc

  • Transportation for students who had to return home out of state

  • Other reason(s) may be considered


Apply Today with the COVID-19 Relief Fund Application


Emergency Financial Aid Grant - Required Reporting by the Education Department - Student Records

Emergency Financial Aid Grant - Required Reporting by the Education Department - Institutional Records for quarter ending date 9/30/2020

Emergency Financial Aid Grant - Required Reporting by the Education Department - Institutional Records for quarter ending date 12/31/2020

Emergency Financial Aid Grant - Required Reporting by the Education Department - Institutional Records for quarter ending date 03/31/2021

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