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Wine-business incubator 456 Wineries in Wamego, KS is proud to announce the addition of two new wineries to the facility.

published August 21, 2020

Wine-business incubator 456 Wineries in Wamego, KS is proud to announce the addition of two new wineries to the facility.  The first, a partnership of two businesses create Louis Vieux Winery doing business as Zydeco Meadery.  Partners GW Clift of Manhattan and Eric Depradine of Kansas City hauled in nearly 200 gallons of honey on August 1st to begin the process of making mead (honey wine).  They hope to have several mead products to offer later this Fall.


As grape harvest got underway earlier this month, Red Rock Hill Vineyard owned by Roy Garrett of Westmoreland began delivering and processing grapes from his family vineyard north of Wamego.  Red Rock Hill plans to have some rose’ and white wines ready to sell this fall.


456 Wineries is operated by Highland Vineyards and Winery, LLC.  The incubator has space for up to five startup wineries to begin operations.  Bodine Wine Co was the first incubator client, having moved into the facility in September 2019.  Each of the four wineries on site are individually licensed through US Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and Kansas Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).

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