The HCC Library has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities grant titled Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions.

published September 10, 2020

The HCC Library has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities grant titled Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions in the amount of $14,994. The application was considered carefully during the NEH review process, which includes peer review along with deliberation by the National Council on the Humanities and the Office of the Chairman. Some of the Library's projects include:

  • Purchase a proper archival drawer and storage system to rehouse the archive, 

  • Purchase environmental monitoring equipment, data logging equipment, and a vacuum for properly cleaning documents and artifacts, 

  • Fund preservation training for the HCC Library staff so they may assist with the rehousing and proper handling of the collection moving forward 

  • Take steps to implement three layers of protection for the entire collected works, including the purchase of plastic sleeves, archival grade folders, and archival storage boxes. The recommendation is to adequately protect the collection as a whole, giving HCC time to plan for the present and future restoration, preservation, and rehousing. 

The project has an anticipated completion date of November 2021.

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